Enjoy the beautiful sound of the harp on this CD entitled
My Prayer for You
Song titles and descriptions:Dancing Over Me This song's inspirational scripture comes from Zephaniah 3:17: "The Lord Your God is with you; He is mighty to save; He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing." My prayer is that you would understand to the very core of your being how much the Lord delights in you. He rejoices over you and dances over you with singing!
I Exalt Thee/You Are Beautiful My prayer for you is that you would learn to praise God at all times. It is possible to honor and exalt God every moment of the day by trusting Him through every detail, easy and difficult. Your praise and adoration rises to Him like sweet incense... praise becomes you very nicely... it’s what you are meant to do!
Come, Holy Spirit, I Need You My prayer for you is that you would be filled with the Holy Spirit - every nook and cranny of your being. Then you’ll experience the strength, wisdom and guidance that you are seeking. The fragrance of Christ will permeate your life and ooze out onto others.
May His Love Fall on You Like Rain My prayer for you is that you would receive a good soaking! Yes, that’s what you need – a soaking of the love of Jesus! May you experience His great love which never fails to satisfy, never fails to heal and restore and never runs dry. Let Him wash away the hurt of this hour...the Love of Jesus refreshes and gives life abundant. Seek a good soaking today...
Peaceful Presence My prayer for you is that you would have a fresh dose of peace from the Presence of Jesus. I pray that you would take time each day to relax with Jesus and talk to Him about your day. Tell Him your dreams and desires and don’t forget to listen...
Walk On My prayer for you is that you would “Get up, take your mat and walk.” (Mark 2:9 NIV) Jesus desires to heal all our diseases... He carries all our burdens... Walk on with His healing touch and guidance each day. Do not give up! Our time on earth is so short. Each day is meant to be a faith walk of purpose and adventure.

The sheet music is available for the CD My Prayer for You. The songs are not difficult; easily assesible for the late beginner or early intermediate player on the pedal or lever harp.
Enjoy this beautiful arrangement of The Holly and the Ivy. This arrangement is 3.5 minutes long and is suitable for programs and background music. It is cleverly written and interesting. Suitable for the intermediate player on the pedal or lever harp. This arrangement will freshen up your Christmas repertoire...
To see and hear this song played by Janet go here!

This arrangement of Silent Night incorporates a German folk tune in between verses and is perfect for programs and background music. It is 3.5 minutes long and perfect for the lower intermediate player. The 2nd variation includes glissandos for an interesting effect which can be played on both the pedal and lever harp.
To see and hear Silent Night played by Janet, go here!
This arrangement of Jesus Loves Me Is lovely as a concert piece or for a worship service. It is 4 minutes long and incorporates a short countermelody in-between verses. It is perfect for a lower intermediate harpist and can be played on a lever or pedal harp. Everyone knows this song!
To see and hear Jesus Loves Me played by Janet, go here!
This arrangement of Beautiful Savior (the same tune as Fairest Lord Jesus) is one of my favorites. It is easily played on both pedal and lever harp. A few dramatic glissandos and a cadenza are added about 2/3 of the way through the song. You will enjoy playing it!
To see and hear Beautiful Savior played by Janet, go here!

This original composition of Always Praise is very gentle and not difficult to play. It fits in the hands very well. It is easily played on both pedal and lever harp with no pedal or lever changes once the
harp is set in the key of G. A sweeping glissando is added about 3/4 of the way into the song. It is fun
to play.
To see and hear Always Praise played by Janet, go here
This arrangement of We Three Kings is fresh because of its creative harmonic progression in the accompaniment. It also uses a guitar-like effect of strumming that is fun to play. This song is easily played on lever and pedal harp and is appropriate for lower intermediate players. This arrangement is fun to play!
To see and hear We Three Kings played by Janet, go to here.
Enjoy this original composition entitled Peaceful Prayer. I really like the chord progressions and sense of serenity and peace. There are a couple of pedal changes so playing it on a pedal harp would be easier than an lever harp, though it is not impossible on the lever harp. Give it a try!
To see and hear Peaceful Prayer player, go here.